Add a low-cost Radioactivity Detection Network to your Command Center
GammaPix Command software supports communication to feed radioactivity data from existing common devices to your Command Center
GammaPix Connect supports a low-cost management system for radioactivity emergencies by employing radioactivity measurements collected from internet connected common devices. The system collects radioactivity, location, time and other sensor data from software enabled, but otherwise unmodified surveillance cameras, smartphones and/or tablets carried by First Responders and the public. The software can be configured to interface with existing command center systems to display mapped, graphed or tabulated radioactivity levels. The system allows accurate and rapid response to radioactivity exposure devices (REDs). GammaPix Connect software supports the remote control of registered devices to initiate radioactivity readings including First Responder dose measurements.
Locations (green points) where low radioactivity readings have been obtained in New York City